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The goal of Markdown is to provide an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that can be converted into HTML. It is designed to be as simple as possible, while still providing a rich set of features. Python-Markdown provides an excellent implementation of the Markdown spec, and it has near parity.

But the issue is that the Markdown specification is not as rich as it could be. There are many features that are not supported, and many tools have extended the functionality where they see fit, chief among them being PyMdown Extensions. The goal of rst-in-md is to further extend those capabilities, and provide an even richer set of features, where functionality is lacking.

reStructuredText has a similar philosophy to Markdown, as it attempts to be easy-to-read and easy-to-write. Markdown is still superior on that front, but what it lacks in readability it makes up for in its rich feature set. It is extremely popular in the python community, meaning it is relatively robust and dependable. And there should be a lot of examples for users to draw from. Providing a way to embed reStructuredText in Markdown, and have it render as expected, can provide a lot of value to users.